Sellers Terms & Conditions
Stall payment process:
Stall bookings are received strictly on a ‘first come, first served’ basis. Sellers whose booking fee is received first will be given first priority. So please ensure you pay at time of booking, otherwise you will miss out on an opportunity to sell on your items.
Cancellation of Stall Bookings:
If you find you are no longer able to attend the event, you have the option to have your stall fee refunded or your booking moved to the next available event, as long as written notification is received from you no less than 14 days prior to market day.
Arrangement of stalls:
Little Poppets Preloved Market reserves the right to decide the arrangement of stalls on market day. If you have any special requests, such as sitting near a friend or being placed in a certain position within the hall, please contact us no later than 2 days prior to market day and we will do our best to accommodate you.
Refusal of reservation:
We reserve the right to refuse acceptance of a reservation. For the following reasons: previous unsatisfactory conduct by stallholders, unsatisfactory items on sale, unsuitability of the business or craft stall being booked, or any other reason as given by Little Poppets Preloved Market.
Stallholders who do not attend the market on the day they have paid for, will not receive a refund.
Market Cancellation:
Should Little Poppets Preloved Market have to cancel an event for reasons including but not limited to: emergency, danger, weather conditions, disasters, health and safety, health concerns, or other reasons that are not within our reasonable control (as judged by Little Poppets Preloved Market), then stallholders will not receive a refund of their stall fee paid.
Health & Safety:
Little Poppets Preloved Market are committed to providing, maintaining and promoting the highest standards of health, safety and welfare at each event. Under Health & Safety legislation, stallholders are responsible for all activities that take place on their stall throughout the event and any actions that could affect others as a result of their activity. Stallholders who do not adhere to these guidelines will be asked to leave the event with immediate effect. If you choose to bring along children at the event, it is the stallholders/parent or carer’s full responsibility to ensure the children’s safety and well being is met at all times during the event.
* Hints and tips to set up a safe stall are included in the Sellers Information pack, which you will receive via email, 2 weeks prior to market day.
Respecting the Venue:
Stallholders will be financially liable for any damages they cause, for any changes they make to the venue in which Little Poppets Preloved Markets are held. All sellers MUST NOT hang, stick, tape, glue, nail, screw or in any other way fix items to any wall, door, floor, curtain or any other part of the building both internally and externally during the event.
It is the stallholders responsibility to take ALL unsold items with them when you leave the event. PLEASE take all rubbish with you and leave your stall area the way you found it. Do not leave it up to the organiser to pick your rubbish up. Little Poppets Preloved Market reserves the right to dispose of any items left behind following the event.
Damage and theft of items on sale:
Little Poppets Preloved Market accepts NO responsibility or liability for any items on sale along with personal belongings that have been stolen, lost or damaged internally or externally before, during or after the event.
Stallholders are responsible for their own stall security and monies for the duration of the event, this includes setting up and packing up. Please ensure you keep your monies on you at all times and do not leave any valuables out of your site and reach. It’s our recommendation to bring a friend or family member along to assist you.
Stallholders agree to indemnify Little Poppets Preloved Market against all claims for damages or injury to the property or person of any persons in respect of any claim by any such person arising out of negligence on the part of the stallholders or his agents or servants.
Promotional Material:
Promotional materials available at stalls may only relate to the product/service on sale at that stall. Stallholders and their representatives are not permitted to distribute advertising or promotional material beyond their stall area (i.e. walking around the venue and handing out flyers, putting flyers on customers' cars etc. A breach of these conditions will result in the stallholders being requested to leave the event.
Little Poppets Preloved Market accept NO responsibility for any transactions entered into at the market venue.
Little Poppets Preloved Market reserves the right to decide or arbitrate any disputes arising out of or during the course of the conduct of the market.
Refusal of Admission:
Little Poppets Preloved Market reserves the right to refuse admission to the market to any person/s without giving any reason for the same and to eject or cause to be ejected any person and/or his/her goods and chattels without giving any reason for the same.
Secondhand stallholders CAN sell:
Only GOOD quality nearly new items relating to maternity, babies, toddlers and children up to the age of 8 years. Our customers expect excellent quality and will NOT buy overpriced, damaged, dirty, well worn or not in working order electrical or battery operated items on sale at our events. If you have items you wish to sell that fits this description PLEASE DO NOT bring them to our events, as buyers will NOT buy them and will simply by-pass your stall. Only good quality items in like new condition are accepted at our events.
The sellers that turn up with good quality like new condition children’s items generate far more sales. Parents will only buy items that have been well looked after, clean and in full working order and at a price that’s reasonable and not overpriced. We are not a car boot nor jumble sale but a high quality nearly new sale. If items that are not up to our company's standard are seen on sale we will ask the seller to remove them from their stall. Ultimately the items on sale that are purchased will end up in the hands of children, so only high quality items, in full working order, are allowed at our events. By selling poor quality items you will not only disappoint the buyer but ultimately the child that received it.
Secondhand or business sellers selling items for a charity:
If you wish to book a table to sell on new or secondhand children’s items for the purchase of generating funds for a registered charity, you must email us upon booking the stall with a letter of approval from the registered charity giving you permission to raise money on their behalf. Sellers are not permitted to collect money on behalf of the charity unless authorisation by a registered charity is given to sell secondhand or new goods or to collect money via their official collection box. No raffles or games will be permitted unless prior arrangements have been made with Little Poppets Preloved Market. Stallholders are entirely responsible for all monies collected/generated from the market reaching the registered charity.
Business and handmade sellers:
Handmade (mums who make handmade items without web presence) and registered businesses can sell and promote NEW or handmade products relating to maternity, babies, toddlers and children up to the age of 8 years, along with services relating to maternity and young families. Little Poppets Preloved Market reserves the right to decide whether a business or craft stall is suitable to attend the events. Business sellers can’t walk around handing out flyers/marketing material while the event is on. Businesses can give your flyers and gain customer contacts at their stall only. All business sellers that attend our events are required to have their own public liability insurance. Food stalls are required to have their own relevant Food Hygiene Certificates.
Stallholders CAN’T sell:
Items or services unrelated to maternity, babies and young children, or items which are deemed to be overpriced, broken, in poor condition, have been recalled, dangerous and in breach of health & safety legislations or trading standards advice. Little Poppets Preloved Market reserves the right to request that items be removed from sale if they feel they do not adhere to the set out standards and guidelines.
Secondhand or business sellers can’t sell food items on their stall without prior permission from Little Poppets Preloved Market.
Illegal Activity:
Stallholders shall NOT sell illegal/pirated items at our events nor hold Little Poppets Preloved Market responsible for the non-compliance with any Law, By-law, Regulation, Act or Statute.